📄️ Contact Form Spam Blocker
This is how we configure new server to block contact form SPAM like Eric Jones or other similar messages. We are using this article as our primary source//gridpane.com/kb/how-to-reduce-eric-jones-contact-form-spam/
📄️ Migrating to WPMT
Migrating from Multisite (WPMU) to Multitenancy (WPMT) is a delicate process. This is a very specific process that must be followed exactly to make sure nothing goes wrong. Whenever possible, we will use wp-cli to keep things as efficient as possible.
📄️ GridPane Connection Issues
1. Contact Host Support
📄️ Cloning a Multisite Network
Occasionally, we need to rebuild a new server for large multisite installations. This typically happens when we need to upgrade the OS of the server. When cloning a multisite network to a new server, here's the procedure we follow:
📄️ GridPane settings
This document explains each GridPane setting we use for servers and websites.
📄️ Multisite Cron
Disable wp-cron and enable gp-cron for main site
📄️ Post-Update Testing
After running sofware updates, it's important that we properly test the network to make sure nothing is broken. Here's the procedure we follow.
📄️ Setting Limits for Redis
GridPane sets redis memory limits at 10% of the available RAM by default. For our platform, it is better to run the redis at 20%. GridPane suggests that we never exceed 25%.
📄️ Snapshot Failover
1. Follow the guide on https://gridpane.com/kb/how-to-setup-snapshot-failover-with-dns-made-easy/
📄️ Setup WPMT Git Repo
The github repo should be downloaded from GridPane's full git repo template. The .gitignore file needs to be edited right away to make sure that the repo doesn't end up with files that it doesn't need.
📄️ Software Updates
When updating software on our platform, we follow a strict procedure and document what updates are being made. This is the procedure.