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Cloning a Multsite Network to a new Server via GridPane

Occasionally, we need to rebuild a new server for large multisite installations. This typically happens when we need to upgrade the OS of the server. When cloning a multisite network to a new server, here's the procedure we follow:

When cloning a network:

  1. Do a wp db repair on the source network first
  2. When complete, turn off page caching and enable wp-ultimo integration
  3. Setup Custom Multisite Cron
  4. Check sites using hosts file.
    • Main Network Site
    • Three Subdomains
    • Three Mapped Digital Church Domains
    • Three Mapped Client Domains (Top Traffic)
  1. Disable maintenance mode on target server
  2. Run Software Updates
  3. Re-enable caching.
  4. Check hosts file sites again
    1. Clear BB Cache and Page Cache if Needed
  5. Update CDN Domain ( DNS
  6. Set DNS for sites via network domain (
  7. Check client DNS and sites for changes. Probably on a different machine if possible.