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Generate a List of All Sites on a Multisite Network that have a specific plugin active.


The CLI package from Ian Dunn wp-cli-plugin-active-on-sites must be active first. You can find the repo here:

To install it, just SSH into the wordpress installation root folder (example: /www/ and run the command wp package install iandunn/wp-cli-plugin-active-on-sites. Once installed, you can run the command below to generate a list of all sites with a specific plugin active.

Generate List

wp plugin active-on-sites <plugin_slug>

You'll need to know the plugin slug, which is the directory that the plugin is in inside the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. For example, the askimet plugin is in /wp-content/plugins/askimet/, so you would run the command wp plugin active-on-sites askimet