📄️ Getting Started
1. Login to myapppresser.com using the credentials in 1Password.
📄️ General Settings
Set the following general settings in the App Customizer.
📄️ Global CSS
📄️ Views from Wordpress Pages
To set up quick pages in the app using wordpress pages, just add them as Wordpress/External Links to the Bottom Tab menu (or the side menu) and assign an icon class for each one.
📄️ Building Custom App Views
📄️ App Store Screenshots
We are going to create screenshots of the following device types:
📄️ App Store Listing
<ReactPlayer url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI55mlFFwz4"
📄️ Google Play Listing
<ReactPlayer url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VemUt2rx_c"
📄️ First Android Build
Once you have setup the bitrise workflow, you must manually upload the first build to your Google Play Console.
📄️ Bitrise Workflow
Before you can complete the bitrise setup, you will need to manually upload the first APK file to the Google Play Store using this guide.
📄️ Testing
Internal Testing
📄️ Fastlane Certificate Generation
Make sure XCode and Java are installed on the machine you are using. Restart your machine after installations are complete. brew install mas;mas install 497799835;brew install java
🗃️ Manual Certificates
3 items
📄️ Extra Resources
📄️ Trobleshooting
This document outlines common issues with ways to troubleshoot and solve them.
📄️ Build Types Overview
Android Debug