Automated Certificate Generation via Fastlane 🚀
Make sure XCode and Java are installed on the machine you are using. Restart your machine after installations are complete. brew install mas;mas install 497799835;brew install java
Download the Latest Build of the AppPresser Certs Generator
Do NOT re-use an old version or try to sync to a repository. Just download the package each time from the AppPresser repo and run it fresh.
Prepare for Certificate Generation
- Open the downloaded repo in VSCode.
- Check to make sure fastlane is installed by running
fastlane -v
- Open the fastfile and edit lines 11-25 with the correct information. See the example below:
#Fill These based on your app data
site_slug = "digital-church" ##This is the slug at the end of your MyAppPresser URL. IE:
app_name = "Mason Street COC" ##This is the Name of your app as set under the Settings -> App Name field
app_id = "app.digitalchurch.masonstreetchurchofchrist" ##This is your app ID as set under the Settings -> App ID field. NOTE: If you have an existing app this MUST match the bundle ID of the existing app
username = "" ##Your Apple account Username
iospassword = ".CK_uteMhT4TZzo!sGZL" ##The Password for your iOS Certificates (dev, prod & prodpush). This will be required in Bitrise to unlock the certs as well as MyAppPresser in the push notification settings.
##LEAVE BLANK unless you're using a shared account with access to multiple teams
#To get Team ID, run fastlane appp and take the correct team ID from the first prompt then kill the script
team_id = ""
##Create an android keystore by running "fastlane android". Alias will be the same as the filename
#Android Keystore Variables ## Use fastlane android to generate these
custname = "Digital Church" ##Replace with your name
countrycode = "US" ##Your 2 letter Country Code.
keystorepassword = ".CK_uteMhT4TZzo!sGZL" ##Replace this with your own password for the Keystore. MAKE SURE YOU SAVE THIS PW. You'll need to enter it into Bitrise later
#Change to false if re-running the tool with a pre-existing push cert to avoid creating duplicates
forcepush = "false"
## No More edits required below ##
- Download the GitHub repo and drag it into vsCode.
- Install fastlane via Homebrew
brew cask install fastlane
- Run
fastlane iOS
from inside the Fastlane Folder. - Run
fastlane android
from inside the Fastlane Folder.