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Automated Certificate Generation via Fastlane 🚀


Make sure XCode and Java are installed on the machine you are using. Restart your machine after installations are complete. brew install mas;mas install 497799835;brew install java

Download the Latest Build of the AppPresser Certs Generator


Do NOT re-use an old version or try to sync to a repository. Just download the package each time from the AppPresser repo and run it fresh.

Download Link: GitHub - GForceWeb/AppPresserCertsGenerator: Uses the Fastlane CLI to generate a full cert of certificates required to publish AppPresser apps. Requires MacOS

Prepare for Certificate Generation

  1. Open the downloaded repo in VSCode.
  2. Check to make sure fastlane is installed by running fastlane -v
  3. Open the fastfile and edit lines 11-25 with the correct information. See the example below:
#Fill These based on your app data

site_slug = "digital-church" ##This is the slug at the end of your MyAppPresser URL. IE:
app_name = "Mason Street COC" ##This is the Name of your app as set under the Settings -> App Name field
app_id = "app.digitalchurch.masonstreetchurchofchrist" ##This is your app ID as set under the Settings -> App ID field. NOTE: If you have an existing app this MUST match the bundle ID of the existing app
username = "" ##Your Apple account Username
iospassword = ".CK_uteMhT4TZzo!sGZL" ##The Password for your iOS Certificates (dev, prod & prodpush). This will be required in Bitrise to unlock the certs as well as MyAppPresser in the push notification settings.

##LEAVE BLANK unless you're using a shared account with access to multiple teams
#To get Team ID, run fastlane appp and take the correct team ID from the first prompt then kill the script
team_id = ""

##Create an android keystore by running "fastlane android". Alias will be the same as the filename
#Android Keystore Variables ## Use fastlane android to generate these
custname = "Digital Church" ##Replace with your name
countrycode = "US" ##Your 2 letter Country Code.
keystorepassword = ".CK_uteMhT4TZzo!sGZL" ##Replace this with your own password for the Keystore. MAKE SURE YOU SAVE THIS PW. You'll need to enter it into Bitrise later

#Change to false if re-running the tool with a pre-existing push cert to avoid creating duplicates
forcepush = "false"

## No More edits required below ##
  1. Download the GitHub repo and drag it into vsCode.
  2. Install fastlane via Homebrew brew cask install fastlane
  3. Run fastlane iOS from inside the Fastlane Folder.
  4. Run fastlane android from inside the Fastlane Folder.