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Getting Started

  1. Login to using the credentials in 1Password.
  2. Click on the +New App button in the top right corner of the dashbaord.
  3. Fill out the following details
    • App Title (from Site Title)
    • WordPress URL (development URL - change to live at launch)
    • App Toolbar Color: Always use #fafafa
    • Toolbar Text Color: Always use #2a2a2a
    • App Features: Login
    • Pages: Static Homepage

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  1. Click Create App button at the bottom of that page.
  2. Add the Splash Screen and Icon
    • Icon must be 1024x1024 png
    • Splash screen should be
  3. Go to the development website and visit the plugins page. Activate the following plugins: (directory name included for activation via wp-cli)
    • AppPresser apppresser
    • Digital Church Native App dgtl-app
    • AppPush apppush
    • JWT Authentication for WP-API jwt-authentication-for-wp-rest-api
  4. Visit the AppPresser Settings page in wp-admin https://{site.url}/wp-admin/admin.php?page=apppresser_settings and enter the following information:
    • App ID (found in the AppPresser Dashboard)
    • site slug digital-church
    • email address
    • Select Sermons and Podcast as media post types

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