Views from Wordpress Pages
To set up quick pages in the app using wordpress pages, just add them as Wordpress/External Links to the Bottom Tab menu (or the side menu) and assign an icon class for each one.
URL: https://{site.url}/connect
Navigation Label: Connect
Icon Class: home-outline
URL: https://{site.url}/live
Navigation Label: Live
Icon Class: videocam-outline
URL: https://{site.url}/sermons
Navigation Label: Sermons
Icon Class: mic-outline
URL: https://{site.url}/events
Navigation Label: Events
Icon Class: calendar-outline
URL: https://{site.url}/groups
Navigation Label: Groups
Icon Class: chatbubbles-outline
We MUST make sure that giving links open in a separate browser to remain compliant with app store guidelines. Be sure to set the give link to open in a new tab and add the system class to make sure it opens in the system default browser.
URL: https://{site.url}/give
Navigation Label: Give
::TRUE:: Open link in a new tab ::important!::
Icon Class: heart-outline
Extra Classes: system