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iOS Developer Certificates

Note: Before generating certificates, make sure all Apple test devices are present in the developer account here: (more info)

  • To find the UDID, plug the device into a mac and view it in finder. Right click on the device name to copy the UDID.

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Exsting Developert Certs:

You will generate the following files:

  1. Certificate Signing Request (only one is needed per development mac) in Keychain Access on your Mac. This must be from the mac you are working on in order to be able to generate the remaining certificates.
  2. Distribution Certificate from your developer account.
  3. .p12 File (bundles private key with certificate) from Keychain Access.
  4. Wildcard Provisioning Profile from your developer account.

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Certificate Signing Request

  1. Launch Keychain Access located in /Applications/Utilities.
  2. Choose Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority.
  3. In the Certificate Assistant dialog, enter an email address in the User Email Address field.
  4. In the Common Name field, enter a name for the key (for example, "Digital Church Signing Request").
  5. Leave the CA Email Address field empty.

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  1. Choose “Saved to disk,” then click Continue.
  2. Choose RSA 2048 bits.
  3. Save the CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest file in [Dropbox > Development > Native Apps > Certification](sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/ > Local Machine Name

iOS App Development Certificate & .p12 File

iOS Push Notifications: Create .p12 File

  1. Login to and click on Certificates
  2. Click on the blue plus button to Create a New Certificate
  3. Select iOS App Development and select Continue.
  4. Upload the CSR (Certificate Signing Request) file to your developer account and click Continue.
  5. Download your ios_development.cer and move it into [Dropbox > Development > Native Apps > Certification](sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/ > Local Machine
  6. Open the ios_development.cer in Keychain Access and import it into your System keychain (not into your icloud keychain).
  7. Search for "Distribution" in Keychain Access and find your newly added certificate. (Hint: it will be the one that expires in 365 days). Select both the Distribition Certificate AND the private key with the common name you used when you generated the CSR file above. Right-click and Export those files as a .p12 file.

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  1. Set a password for the certificate and save in 1Password.
  2. Now you should have an ios_development.cer and a Certificates.p12 file in the development machine certificates folder.
  3. Rename the Certificates.p12 file to ios_development.p12

Register a Wildcard Development ID

  1. Login to and click on Identifiers.
  2. Click on the blue plus button to Register a New Identifier.
  3. Go to AppIDs > App and create a new app ID for the app. Enter "Wildcard Development" in the description. For the bundle ID, use app.digitalchurch.*
  4. Confirm the details and click Register.

Wildcard Provisioning Profile

iOS Push Notifications: Create provisioning profile

  1. Login to and click on Profiles.
  2. Click on the blue plus button to Register a New Provisioning Profile.
  3. Under Development, select iOS App Development and click Continue.
  4. Choose the "Wildcard Development" App ID and click Continue.
  5. Choose the Development Distribution Certificate and click Continue. (This MUST be the same certificate we used on previous files for this app.)
  6. Select the devices you wish to test with and click Continue.
  7. Name the Provisioning Profile wildcard_development and click Generate.
  8. Download the new wildcard_development.mobileprovision file and move it into [Dropbox > Development > Native Apps > Certification](sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/ > Local Machine